A year ago, the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $4.07. Today, according to AAA, the average is $2.69. Everybody say, "Whoopee!"
Lower gas prices, of course, mean more affordable summer travel for many. If last year's $4 prices had been repeated, a new survey finds that more than 67 percent of the people questioned would cut their summer travel plans, sometimes drastically. But the news is good, and BedandBreakfast.com, which conducted the survey of 3,300 travelers, found that nearly 80 percent plan to take as many or more trips this summer as they did last year and are evenly split between staying closer to home for “staycations” and traveling farther away. Here are the survey results:
* 70.5% say they'll take two to four trips this summer.
* 78.6% say they'll take as many or more trips this summer as last.
* Respondents are evenly tied between staycations and "go-cations" to distant destinations.
* Although the recession has affected travel plans for 6 out of 10 respondents, they're still anticipating summer vacations. A total of 51.2% of survey respondents said they would change their plans and spend less each day, while 43.4% said they would vacation for fewer days.
* Relaxation was the most popular anticipated activity for vacations (65%), followed by visiting with friends and family (56%) and swimming at beaches and lakes (47%).
Inns that belong to BedandBreakfast.com have crafted more than 125 reward offers to help guests with their gasoline and other costs. Visit www.bedandbreakfast.com and click the fuel gauge graphic in the center of the screen. The group also has an offer to save an extra $50 on a three-night sunny destination vacation when booked online by June 30. click here, type in a destination and travel dates, look for the Book It button, and use the promo code BBSUN50.
And speaking of driving ...
Clark Howard, money expert for the HLN network, says driving can cost you about 50 cents a mile because of wear and tear, so you might actually save by renting a car, thus putting the wear on someone else's vehicle.
Visit cnn.com/clarkhoward.
Fascinating fact
Seoul is Korean for "capital city," which of course is what Seoul is.
A room in San Diego for $19?
From Aug. 16-31, the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego will discount its $219 room rate drastically if you are willing to give up some amenities. Here's how it goes: $199 without breakfast, $179 without honor bar, $159 without air conditioning or heat, $139 without pillows, $109 without sheets, $89 without lights, $59 without linens, $39 without toiletries and $19 without bed. After all, there's nothing like a good snooze on the floor.
Click here or call 877-517-9340
There's no accounting for taste
According to a survey by USA Today and TripAdvisor.com, America's favorite roadside store is that temple of tackiness, South of the Border in Dillon, S.C., picked by 33 percent of those surveyed. My favorite, Wall Drug Store in Wall, S.D., came in a close second with 31 percent.
Begorrah, but it's germy
The aforementioned TripAdvisor has named Ireland's Blarney Stone the would's germiest tourist attraction. The stone is kissed by 400,000 people a year.
Travel tip
From From Sally Qu Yi, a program director for Grand Circle Travel: "If you are a market person, the first place you should go in Beijng is the Silk Market. The Chinese silk products ... are cheap but good quality... but there are also lots of cashmere garments, down jackets, leather goods, shoes, hats, watches and some handcrafts and trinkets."
Travelocity sale
Travelocity is holding a Summer to the Rescue Sale, in which you can save up to one-third if you book by June 30 and travel by July 31.
Visit www.travelocity.com/sale.
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